Odor Remover for Tactical/Duty Boots

How to Deodorize Tactical Boots

Getting a brand new pair of tactical boots is like waking up on a perfect, sunny, Sunday morning. It feels refreshing and exciting. Oh, the places you'll go and the things you'll accomplish in those new kicks of yours.

After a few years, months, and even weeks, the freshness those new boots once had is long gone! They've started smelling like rotting eggs mixed with year-old tuna and a splash of sh*t! The odor on your footwear is not your proudest possession. In fact, it's getting so bad that you're starting to wonder if it's your footwear that's causing your buddies to give you the side-eye. How embarrassing?!

How to remove odor from military boots

Your nostrils can't take it anymore, let alone the cuties that you come home to every night. Here's the inside scoop ... Your spouse and kids love you to death, but whenever you get home, the smell coming from your feet tell their instincts to run. Yes, your boots smell that bad!

No one wants to part way with their favorite boots, but sometimes even 100 washes won't do the trick to deodorize those bad boys.

Okay, let's face it! It is time to do something about this tactical boot odor crisis ASAP. Correct us if we're wrong, but we think we have the answer to all your questionable smelling footwear problems.

Arrest My Vest is just what you need to get rid of all those nasty boot odors. This odor-eliminating spray consists of a medical-grade formula guaranteed to knock out those horrifying aromas. Arrest My Vest with OAM Technology is all-natural, biodegradable, and enzyme-free. It's strong enough to eliminate the smell from a skunk, so it'll be sure to work on your worst case of poop boot! It works on all types of tactical boots, military boots, police boots, and more!

Stop the unwanted side-eye stares every time you put those puppies on. Take on the stink challenge with us and spray your gnarliest footwear. 100% satisfaction in our product is guaranteed, so your spouse and kids will actually want to hug you after work and not run away from you and those stinky shoes. 

Click here to shop now!

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